Imagine that you were a driver in the World war. You drive a
jeep, fight for your country and do all that is required of you and make
yourself feel proud. You are tired at the end of the day and just want to take
rest. Suddenly you find that fluid is leaking from the base of your spine and
it is foul smelling. You think that it is just sweat, forget all about it and
take rest.
In a few days, the fluid leak increases and then suddenly it
becomes an abscess (pus filled). It is throbbing, painful and unbearable. You
take some antibiotics and forget all about it.
It keeps coming back again and again and then you decide to do something
about it. You don’t know which doctor to consult. You search the internet and
think that it is ‘piles’.
I met a patient a few days ago in my clinic who did not know
which doctor to approach for a pilonidal sinus. He knew the diagnosis because
he had done a little bit of research on the internet. That made me dive
headlong into the topic.

There are several treatments for this condition. It can be
excised and left to heal by itself or it can be closed primarily. Several types
of flaps can be planned for the primary closure.
Since the disease happens in young individuals, cosmesis has
to be considered. Time away from work or school also plays a role.
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